This is your guide to producing top quality feed! From the science of animal feeds and nutrition to additives and technology, from mixed feed optimization to quality management – “Principles of Mixed Feed Production” · tells you everything about production processes · is based on the world’s leading technology · shows you how to produce cost-efficiently Concise information about the steps which have to be taken in order to produce good feed is paired with practical guidelines and advice. This book is intended as an easy to use tool keeping you ahead of your day-to-day work. The presentation is descriptive, practical and enriched with many examples. It is directed to readers in the international feed manufacturing and related industries.
The processes of feed manufacturing have undergone fundamental changes in recent years: not only have the designs of a feed production plant grown more complex but also the running of the plant itself requires engineering know-how unthought of not many years ago. Furthermore the feed chain is now regarded as an integral part of the food chain which means that aspects such as quality management, traceability and the effects of feed on the properties of animal products play an important role in feed production.
- introduction to the science of animal feeds and nutrition
- mixed feed optimization, quality management and legal aspects
- individual feeds and ways in which they may be used
- additives used in mixed feeds
- comprehensive information concerning the individual steps and technology involved in mixed feed production
- quality of mixed feeds
This edition of “Principles of Mixed Feed Production” gives you a competitive edge in the global feed market! With more than 180 high quality photographs and figures and over 90 tables.