This atlas for the microscopic analysis of animal and vegetable feed components is a need-to-have guide for every feed-mill laboratory to ensure the quality of the product. The atlas contains more than 830 precise, high quality drawings showing the microscopic structure of vegetable raw materials, animal finished products and single components. Together with extensive descriptions they allow to identify the various components which are used in the manufacturing of compound animal feed. The book is an indispensable laboratory manual and provides practical information and techniques for microscopic analysis of feed materials. Feed microscopy is particularly used when examining the bulk commodities which are incorporated in animal feeding stuffs, to find out whether there is any admixture present, like matter foreign to the particular commodity being tested. It also serves as a useful method for identifying missing ingredients and it is used to search for the presence of insects or insect fragments and other foreign bodies found in animal feed after storage.
Though microscopy can be carried out in every laboratory with little effort and the analytical tools – magnifier and microscope – are relatively inexpensive, one must be proficient in using the microscope and have reliable literature at hand. This book gives information about:
- the quality control aspects of feed microscopy
- technical equipment and sample preparation
- structural characteristics of cereals/legumes/starch plants/oilseeds/other vegetative plant parts and their by-products
- structural characteristics of animal/marine components and their by-products
- structural characteristics of common impurities and contaminants
Feed microscopy is a most practical method to idenitfy the composition of incoming ingredients and finished feeds. With its extensive collection of drawings this book contributes to an evaluation and improvement in the quality control for feeds. Both morphological and anatomical structures of plants and plant products are unchanging characteristics. Therefore they constitute reliable criteria for identity and quality. The same can also be said of the assessment of animal feed components, in which anatomical structures and their fragments form the basis for microscopic diagnosis. The book is intended as a laboratory manual for the microscopic quality control of feed. All illustrations in this atlas are hand-drawn after microscopic checking of all drawings using authentic materials.