Prof. Dr. Rainer George Jörgensen
Prof. Dr. Rainer Georg Jörgensen, born in Kiel in 1957, studied agricultural sciences in Göttingen, received his doctorate and post-doctoral qualification in Göttingen and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Rothamsted Experimental Station. Since 1999, he has been Professor of Soil Biology and Plant Nutrition at the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen.
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- Gottschalk, Prof. Dr. Klaus
- Albert, Dr. habil. Erhard
- Boxberger, Prof. Dr. Dr. Josef
- Dänicke, Prof. Dr. Dr. Sven
- Ebertseder, Prof. Dr. Thomas
- Flachowsky, Prof. Dr. Gerhard
- Freitag, Prof. Dr. Mechthild
- Graf von Reichenbach, Dr. Heinrich
- Griep, Dr. Wilke
- Hauert, Dr. Frank
- Isselstein, Prof. Dr. John
- Janz, Dr. Stephan
- Jeroch, Prof. Dr. Heinz
- Jörgensen, Prof. Dr. Rainer George
- Knittel, Dr. Harry
- Kruse, Dr. Sabine
- Kruse, Dr. Michael
- Longin, PD Dr. Friedrich
- Mayer, Dr. Jochen
- Meyer, Andrea
- Miedan, Prof. Dr. Thomas
- Möller, PD Dr. Short
- Mustermann, Dr. Michael
- Nitsch, Dr. Albrecht
- Olfs, Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner
- Otteneder, Dr. Herbert
- Peters, Walter
- Petersen, Dr. Uwe
- Pöllinger, Dipl.-Ing. Alfred
- Radandt, Prof. Dr. Siegfried
- Schenkel, Prof. Dr. Hans
- Schöne, Prof. Dr. Friedrich
- Schuhmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. sc. Dr. h.c. Peter
- Spring, Prof. Dr. Peter
- Stalljohann, Dr. Gerhard
- Steinhöfel, Prof. Dr. Olaf
- Strebel, Stefanie
- Ulm, Oliver
- Up, Dipl.-Ing. Ursula
- Voth, Ulrich
- Weber, Dr. Manfred
- Wendland, Dr. Matthias
- Wieschollek, Peter
- Windisch, Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Wilhelm
- Wissemeier, Prof. Dr. Alexander H.
- Zürner, Dr. Uwe